It is impossible to say exactly which and how many fetishes there are. Because there are millions.
There is no definitive answer to this question as it largely depends on what people are interested in.
Roughly speaking, we humans can "fetish" almost anything. From body parts like feet and hair to objects and materials like denim, leather, latex and even plastic! The possibilities are almost endless. So if you can think of it, it probably exists.
Although there can be some social stigma associated with fetishes, they can also be incredibly fun and enjoyable.
On this website you can find my large online list / encyclopedia of all kinds of fetishes: FETISH LEXICON
Here is a selection:
Paying for sex / Robbed
Krematistophilia is a fetish for being forced to pay for sex or even being robbed. Crematistophilia, also known as
Being sexually excited by trees or e.g. bark from trees. So also Arbofili Dendrophilia is a sexual fetish that
Saliromania is a form of fetishism in which one experiences sexual arousal from salty or salty-tasting things, especially sweat that accumulates
Clothed / No-nude
Being sexually excited by a partner wearing clothes rather than being naked. People who like this
A corset fetish is a form of sexual arousal that involves wearing and appreciating tight corsets with laces. The
Suffocation (by self)
Sexual arousal and arousal achieved by reducing the oxygen supply to the brain. It is a paraphilia that usually involves one person
A latex/rubber fetish is a type of sexual arousal that focuses on the texture and appearance of latex or rubber clothing. People with this
Being sexually excited by animals. Many people find it strange and unnatural, but this kind of fetish is more
bound (be)
Fetish of being bound and at the mercy of another person. This is a type of bondage fetish. Can be seen
Steal / Robbery
Kleptolagnia, or theft as an erotic stimulus, is a form of paraphilia in which individuals experience sexual arousal by stealing.
This can include activities such as foot worship, licking and kissing the feet, rubbing or massaging the feet and even smelling them. Some
Pecattiphilia is a form of fetish that has been known for thousands of years. It is a passion for sin
Eating people
Vorephilia, also known as vore, is a type of fetish that involves the fantasy or desire to be engulfed by someone
Criminals (attraction to)
A sexual attraction to someone known to have "committed an outrage or crime, such as rape, murder, or armed robbery."
Rain jackets
In the fetish world, raincoats can be made into an effective tool for creating arousal and pleasure. Depending on your level of
Eye contact is an effective way to create strong sexual energy between partners. It can be anything from a subtle
See Coprophilia
Read / hear erotic words
Sexual arousal by reading or hearing erotic literature or erotically charged words and sounds. Narratophilia is a sexual fetish
See also Dendrophilia. Arbophilia is a fetish involving an attraction to trees, which can be expressed in different ways
The word gerontophilia was coined in 1901 by psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing. It comes from Greek: geron, meaning "old person"