Sexual arousal by reading or hearing erotic literature or erotically charged words and sounds.
Narratophilia is a sexual fetish with a focus on stories or fantasies. People who identify as narratophiles enjoy engaging in fantasy and storytelling, often in the form of role-playing games. This may involve acting out the fantasy, either alone or with a partner, writing stories or scenarios, discussing detailed fantasies and daydreaming about potential situations.
Unlike some other fetishes, narratophilia does not require any physical activity to be pleasurable. Instead, narratophiles find pleasure in the mental stimulation of imagining and constructing unique stories or scenarios that can then be discussed with their partners. These conversations may include details such as clothing, situation and dialogue in the story.
Narratophilia is believed to allow a person to explore their own desires and fantasies without having to live them out in reality. This can be beneficial for those who cannot or do not feel comfortable physically exploring these thoughts, but still want to experience the pleasure associated with these desires. By allowing individuals to discuss their fantasies openly without fear of judgment or ridicule, narratophilia can also help build trust between partners and foster mutual respect for each other's boundaries and desires.
Reminds of substitute addiction, where, however, it is more about listening to other sexual experiences etc.